Thursday, January 29, 2015

A New Face In Kindergarten!

Today we welcomed Marissa Vanacore who is a student at UVM!  She will be in Kindergarten every Thursday morning!  Today she helped us think and reflect about the salt crystals we grew in Kindergarten!

We even wrote persuasive letters today!  The children are excited to share with you at our writing celebration next month.  A great story that helped us with this idea was Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type!  We will all write our own persuasive letter tomorrow to Farmer Brown!

We have been very busy creating persuasive books, titles pages and other awesome writing pieces!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Using Google!

This morning during our writers workshop time we used Google to help us find real images of real animals.  We don't always have books that have pictures of animals we are interested in, so we use Google to help us!
Some Tips When Using Google!
1. Ask your teacher or an adult to help you!
2. Go to Safari on the iPad.
3. Type in photos of (name of your animal)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Collaboration In Kindergarten!

In Kindergarten this morning we explored with the concept of height.  My students used a variety of tools to begin to explore this idea.  One of the favorite materials we used was plastic cups!  I enjoyed listening to the conversation about "how to" build a tower that would be the highest ever!
So many opportunities arise in Kindergarten where young children can connect, get inspired and think critically through play.  Thanks again to AT & T for supporting our engineering project!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kidblog, Reading and Writing In Kindergarten!

 As we become more independent we begin to add more detail to our writing.  Our pictures have more detail and we are using more words in our sentences too!

 Today was filled with lots of opportunities to blog, write in our science journals and explore our reading response journals!  We are beginning to become more independent with our reading and writing.  When we work independently and in small groups we have opportunities to practice the strategies we are learning!  Thanks to Ms. Megan, Mr. Anthony and Ms. Marissa for being in Kindergarten today!

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