Thursday, February 20, 2020

Day 106: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from our celebration.
Thanks, everyone for your support this morning with our celebration. It means so much to the children to be able to share and showcase their learning with a larger audience. Thank you again so much for your continued support.

We read a wonderful story about yoga and how yoga can help us take a breath, refocus, and pause.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Day 105: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.
We are working on writing our numbers and exploring patterns and making predictions about what is next.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow at our Celebration of Literacy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Day 104: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.
Today as readers and writers we made observations and connections with another great story by Mo Willems. We noticed had conversations about the pigeon and why we thought the pigeon was one of our favorite characters.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Day 103: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.

Today as we read What do you do with a chance? The children made many connections with the other stories we read by Kobi Yamada. The children shared that when they take a chance they are trying something new and taking a risk. Later we talked about how taking a chance is like being courageous too.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Day 102: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.
Today we celebrated friendship and kindness. We brainstormed ways we can be a friend to others. Some of our list included; smile, wave hi, use kinds words, invite people to play, share, give out a Global Goal card.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Day 101: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.

We read another wonderful story by Mo Willems. Gerald and Piggie wanted to go for a drive but did not have what they needed. Ask your child about they did to solve the problem they had.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Day 100: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.

In kindergarten, we explore many different types of problems. This story helped us think deeply about the importance of perseverance and collaboration.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Day 99: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.

We read a great story about ideas.. Be sure to check in with your child about the story!
Some ideas are:
Try and try again
Be positive

Monday, February 10, 2020

Day 98: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.
We wrote persuasive pieces about why we want everyone to know and practice the Global Goals too!
Many students felt that being responsible is one thing we can all do to care for the world.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Day 97: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.
Today we began exploring persuasive writing. We follow these steps when we are getting ready to write a persuasive piece.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Day 96: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.

We are exploring the author Mo Willems for the next couple of weeks. We are exploring text features, story, characters, and speech bubbles and how they are used in conversations.

This morning Katherine, a dental hygienist visited kindergarten to help us explore how to take care of our teeth and have a healthy mouth. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Day 95: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.
Today we reflected on similarities and differences of things we observed about what we like to eat and what our friends in India like to eat. We noticed that geography can influence the types of food you eat too! Our friends in India eat lots of fish. We are thinking they do because the ocean is very close to their country.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Day 94: @vermontkkids123

Look here to see photos from today.

Today we used Skype as a platform to connect with a scientist who helped us think deeply about fish and their adaptations.
We began painting our fish as well.
We sorted different recycled lids and connected this with Global Goal #12.

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