Welcome to our classroom blog! Our blog is like a journal, a never ending account and record of all the exciting adventures we experience in Kindergarten. We are an enthusiastic group of people who care about each other and the world. We hope you enjoy reading, listening and watching what we do!
Look here to see photos from today. Today we became Community Cartographers. We made a map of what is around our school so we can share our maps with our friends in Ghana tomorrow morning!
Thanks to Ms. Cici and Ms. Angela for being in kindergarten. We learned so much from them. We look forward to exploring our new book too as we examine different trees.
Look here to see photos from today. Today we read a wonderful story. We talked about how when we make mistakes, we always learn something from our mistakes.
We are enjoying Peter Reynolds book; "Say Something." We are entering our speech bubbles in a contest to see if our school is chosen as a place where he would come and paint a mural! We have started learning about the Geo-Inquiry Process too! We are exploring the question of why do we not have a lot of trees at Allen Brook. I just finished an online course with National Geographic and it focused a lot on how young children become explorers and geographers through this process. Stay tuned as we begin to learn about the past, present, and future of tree life!
Look here to see photos from this morning. Today we read a story about where we live.
This book gave us an opportunity to think bout perspective and how we all need similar things no matter where we live. We are exploring persuasive writing. When we write persuasively we do 4 things. 1. See a problem 2. Think 3. Talk 4. Write
Some of our ideas to write persuasive pieces were: family, kindness, empathy, care about the world, water, beaches, ocean, waste, penguins, care about the land, Global Goals, electricity, and to care about all animals.
Look here to see photos from today. We read a wonderful story by Steve Jenkins. We thought a lot about how this book helped us explore the concepts of measurement.
Look here to see photos from today. Today we read a new story called: "My Mother's Chair." The story focuses on kindness and how a community of people can make a difference for each other through their actions.
Look here to see photos from today. Today we read a couple of great stories. We are talking a lot about kindness and ways that we can be a kind friend to others.
We are beginning to explore the weather too. Each day we are graphing what the weather is like outside. We will then be comparing the weather over time to see if we notice any patterns or trends.