Hello Everyone!
This morning the children did a wonderful job of sharing their writing of what they are thankful for. Our feast of bread and veggies was super!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Welcome to our classroom blog! Our blog is like a journal, a never ending account and record of all the exciting adventures we experience in Kindergarten. We are an enthusiastic group of people who care about each other and the world. We hope you enjoy reading, listening and watching what we do!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Read Aloud Time!
As you know reading aloud to your child is VERY important! In Kindergarten we read stories daily, sing songs and chat Nursery Rhymes. Lots of fun! We also have older children from different teams in the school read aloud to us as well. I am showing you a brief slide show of some of our other readers. Your children are listening actively and are learning many different features that different books have. Enjoy!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Reading Partners
Good Morning!
I wanted to give you an update on our weekly reading partners. As you know we are partnered with Ms. Munt's class. The children read together each Wednesday from 2-2:25 PM. Wow! It has been a huge success. The children are developing great active listening skills as well as nice relationships with their reading partner.
Lots of Fun!
I wanted to give you an update on our weekly reading partners. As you know we are partnered with Ms. Munt's class. The children read together each Wednesday from 2-2:25 PM. Wow! It has been a huge success. The children are developing great active listening skills as well as nice relationships with their reading partner.
Lots of Fun!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sorting Pictures!
Wow! Today the children worked on sorting pictures into different categories. I was so thrilled with the language they were using! Some children recognized that they were creating columns, "Just like we do in math Mrs. D.!" This is very exciting. Your child will be bringing home their picture sort activity today!
Animals with Color!
This morning we started to paint our forest animals. The children are learning about all the characteristics and features that their forest animal has.
The children also started organizing the food we are collecting for the Willsiton Food Shelf.
The children also started organizing the food we are collecting for the Willsiton Food Shelf.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wow! We just went outside and made scientific observations of the different trees we have at Allen Brook. We noticed that we have pine trees, birch trees and a maple tree! We talked about the difference between a deciduous and coniferous tree! Your children noticed the tree litter under the tree to give us a clue! Very Nice!
Your child will be coming home today with a tape measure. It is for them to keep and use! We had fun comparing lengths of all the trees we saw.
Your child will be coming home today with a tape measure. It is for them to keep and use! We had fun comparing lengths of all the trees we saw.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chicka, Chicka, 1, 2, 3
Today the children read the story Chicka, Chicka, 1,2,3. Then we worked on our own 1,2,3 number word books, created snowmen and snowwomen with lots of different attributes! Great fun!
Paper Mache Galore!
The children have now completed the first step in creating their forest animals! Phew! Thanks so much to all who were able to donate materials and come into Kindergarten to help! We will begin the second phase of this project on Friday.
We continue to work on numeral recogniton, numeral writing and counting. Today we worked on the concepts of before and after. Very fun! Ask your child to tell you numbers that come before 10, after 11, etc.!
Please check out the the bookshelf as I have added some new books.
Enjoy the afternoon,
We continue to work on numeral recogniton, numeral writing and counting. Today we worked on the concepts of before and after. Very fun! Ask your child to tell you numbers that come before 10, after 11, etc.!
Please check out the the bookshelf as I have added some new books.
Enjoy the afternoon,
Readers Workshop
Good Morning!
I thought that you might all like to see your awesome children reading! They are reading "Just Right Books" and familiar stories that we have read together in Kindergarten.
I am so proud of them!
I thought that you might all like to see your awesome children reading! They are reading "Just Right Books" and familiar stories that we have read together in Kindergarten.
I am so proud of them!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Trees, Trees, Trees

Hello Everyone!
Today we worked on creating an environment underground. Some of the children made spiders, worms and other creatures that live where you find tree roots. Some of the children explored pine cones and needles of a coniferous tree.
During Writer's Workshop the children created a diagram of their animal that lives in the forest. Some children choose insects, birds, creepy crawly bugs, rabbits and other furry creatures. The diagrams are colorful, labelled with words that describe their animal and also a habitat of where you would find that animal in the forest.
We are working really hard on counting by 10's, 5's and 1's to 100! Ask your child about some of the counting games we played.
Enjoy the afternoon,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Forest in Vermont
Hello Everyone!
I am so excited as I am creating a blog for Kindergarten! This will be a great way for you to log on to see what is happening. Please feel free to leave comments.
Today we worked on creating birch trees for our deciduous forest and put labels on things we would find in a coniferous forest. I hope you enjoy checking out the pictures with your child.
I will also have a Shelf of books that we have read in Kindergarten as well. I will try to update often. Our current author is Lois Elhert. Her stories focus a lot on animals and their habitats. Enjoy!
More to follow!
I am so excited as I am creating a blog for Kindergarten! This will be a great way for you to log on to see what is happening. Please feel free to leave comments.
Today we worked on creating birch trees for our deciduous forest and put labels on things we would find in a coniferous forest. I hope you enjoy checking out the pictures with your child.
I will also have a Shelf of books that we have read in Kindergarten as well. I will try to update often. Our current author is Lois Elhert. Her stories focus a lot on animals and their habitats. Enjoy!
More to follow!
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