Thursday, September 8, 2011

Math Workshop!

During Math Workshop time we focus on lots of different mathematical ideas. In the videos you will see the children making mathematical observations about bugs! It was interesting to see what the children noticed. Some counted legs, some counted legs and used different counting strategies, some made observations about the features that their bug had. During the beginning months of our math workshop time we are creating patterns, sorting, classifying and making observations.


Milena said...

I'm so proud of you Montana! You are teaching yourself addition. Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW Montana It is so lovely to see what a clever and grown up girl you are becoming, One day we hope we will visit you in Vermont. Love from Karen, Darl and Scott.

Daddy said...

Great job sweetie. Keep up the great work. I love you. Daddy

Kailyn B. said...

Do you have any kindergarten math games you have your students playing?

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